Tequila Tristan Anejo is made 100% Blue Agave Weber

Part of the Tequila Blanco rests in American white oak barrels for 2 years. The barrels are used standard Bourbon Barrels of 200 liters capacity. The American white oak grows in the east of the USA. The tree grows rather fast for an oak tree and is therefore a bit expensive than in Europe counterpart. Its wood is very dense contains a lot of natural sugar, which are later transferred into the typical Bourbon Vanilla taste. They flame the barrels after use them 5 times. They flame with wood form barrels which can’t be use anymore in order to maintain the pure white oak flavors. The toasting and charring transform the wood sugars into vanilla and caramel flavors. For the Anejo , they used older barrels, which have been previously used for aging in order to have less flavors from the barrels released into the Tequila.

Specific Features:

NOSE: Sweet flavors of cocked Agave- Wood oak flavors- Pleasant vanilla and caramel notes – Dried fruits- Smooth and pleasant impact.

AROMA: Sweet flavors of cocked Agave – Wood notes – Honey dried fruits notes– Long after taste - pleasant presence of alcohol

APPEARANCE: Crystal gold with amber sparkles – Clean – Full bodied

SPECIFICATIONS: 100% Blue Agave Weber – 100% Additive free – 700 ml – 40% Vol. – Aged for 24 months
